Ishopvideogame provides the free solutions to solve the problems of how to update the R4 and R4i kernel for the game lovers.
How to update the R4 kernel:
download the corresponding language kernel,you will get 3 or 4 files after compressing the files, then copy them to the MicroSD (must be in root file)
moonmemo---momeory book
R4iMenu---system menu
R4.DAT---system file
_DS_MENU.DAT---system file
_DS_MSHL.NDS---DS/DSK player bootfile.
DS_PATCH.NDS---DS/DSL patchfile,to solve the problems of games that cannot play.
How to update the R4i kernel?
By using the TF card reader, connect your TF card with computer, open the file.
a. Upload game kernel: Copy the R4.DAT file to your TF card.
b. Upload video kernel: Copy the Moonshl2 to your TF card.
c. Upload DIY Interface function: Copy the R4iMenu to your TF card.
How to update AR cheat data base?
Upload the newest AR cheat data base, then copy the "usrcheat.dat" file to"R4iMenu" file.
So if you still have some problems about the kernel download, please feel free to contact ishopvideogame.